Talking about tomorrow


Real life stories

We sometimes learn the most from people who’ve been in the same situation as ourselves.

Browse our collection of transition experiences – and if you have a story you’d like to share, please let us know. We’ll be adding more as time goes by.

Please note: some names have been changed.

Legal matters

Guardianship needn’t cost a fortune – Tips from a parent who got help to apply for Legal Aid.

When the police get involved – A parent describes what happened when the police were called to her son.

Benefits and finance

Direct payments make you a partner, not a passenger – What it’s like to manage your own support budget.

Stepping stones to independence – How two young people used their Transition Fund grants (with thanks to ILF Scotland).

Learning opportunities

Home education – a parent’s experience – A parent talks about her experience of home educating her son since P7.

Starting university – a student’s view – A deaf student describes the first weeks at university and the support that helped.

Starting university – a parent’s view – What’s involved in getting the right support, then taking a step back.

Planning for transition

Making sure Laura’s voice is heard – How to pass on your knowledge of your young person to those who need to know.

Getting a job?

Paid work possible? Absolutely! – How twin brothers with learning disabilities secured permanent full time jobs.

Window on the world of work – How one parent set up a successful work placement that has transformed her son.




Getting in touch with the Contact helpline

The Contact helpine provides information, advice and support by phone, email, Facebook or Twitter. We support parents and carers who have a child with any kind of disability or special need from 0-25 years. Find out more about Contact’s Helpline service and how to get in touch.



Useful links


Parent and carer support networks can be the best sources of local information and advice. Download our list of networks, or contact us to ask about support groups in your area.

Local and National Services that can help

We have produced 5 directories which list local and national organisations that can help with support around transitions. Find out more on our Directory pages